Block Mobile Numbers in Viber

Viber is a phone application that enables you to make phone calls over a Wi-Fi network to other Viber users - domestic and international. The contacts in your Viber are the same contacts in your phone's regular address book. If you would like to stop receiving phone calls and messages from someone, you can choose to block their phone number. However, if that person has access to an application like Viber they may still be able to contact you. Luckily, you can block them on Viber too.

1. Open Viber. Navigate to your phone's home screen and locate the Viber application. The icon shows a white telephone on a purple background. Tap on this icon to launch the app.

2. Open the app’s menu. Do this by tapping on the Menu button located on the lower-right hand corner of the screen.

3. Tap Settings.

4. Open the privacy settings. This is done by tapping “Privacy” on the Settings screen.

5. Tap on “Block List.”

6. Add a number to the Block List. To do this, tap on “Add Number” on the bottom part of the screen and type in the number you want to block. Tap on the “Block” button once you are through. The mobile number will now appear under the Block List.

7. Delete a number from the Block List. Simply locate the number you’re looking for and tap the “Unblock” button alongside the number to remove it from the list.

Link Source : WikiHow